Monday, June 16, 2008


Sometimes we feel lost without friends..I believe that when we lost a friend, God will send us better friends. Losing A as my very best friend was very hurting. Betrayal and also i realize that i do not have anything so..she left me and find a new friend..GOd always says be kind and keep your pure heart to find friends. World does not end on that dot..Acid and I got closer to a very brutal man who loves to say KILL..KILL..KILL..he looks scary from outside but from inner side i can conclude this gentleman really appreciate his friends and always be with us from the day we be nice to to lose since we found the best friend in our life..GOd is the best!Dzul best!


Hariry Ariffin said...

Zul, nak nasik udang? hehe:D

Anonymous said...

huhuhuhu... terharu....

nak nasi udang....

yattt said...

datang subang bawak udang!