Still remember our contribution to SK Pinang Tunggal.? That was our 1st amal jariah we did for our course. I'm sure most of you have forgotten your brothers and sisters. Tell you what? i still keep in touch with my lovely sis. Fiza..Small and cute girl. I have never set in my mind that i will be remembered. Before we went for our induction course, i met her. She was shocked when i came to see her at her school. She used to send RaYa CArds every year and requested to meet..As you all know, they are 17 years old already. But why, i still feel that i'm just 17..hehe..perasan..I wish that this relationship won't end. Just imagine when we teach those kids in our class. They will remember us too..
lawa dak tu..
ang bkn lgi grown up. ang dh warga emas dh..
aku setuju ngan dzull
x sedo diri
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