Thursday, February 19, 2009


KEnny RogeRs reminds me of sooo many people. Acid for sure, Dzull who we celebrated his birthday with two slices of scrumptious Secret Recipe's cakes. Accompanied by Along. We enjoyed our indelible meal together. Acid and DZul ate half-chicken. I can't resist the creamy cheese macaroni and also the mouth-watering garden pasta salad.

Kenny Rogers make me think of ALONG(again), NAZA, ChaCha and NoOr Azali. They earned their pocket money there by serving at KENNY ROGers. It's wonderful to see them take pleasure in treasuring the experience of communicating with customers around them. I did go visit them. Having my tea-time after sending Acid to work in WATCHZONE. I got extra attention from them and in addition I was supplied with a full plate of meal. How generous..Or was i too skinny? much i miss my glory days..everything was nice. Even we got only 2 ringgit notes,(Allowance was not in yet), bought KaniKAma(Sushi) at Jaya Jusco. Seronok woo..


Anonymous said...

Aku ingat...

time tu korg kata semua side dish yg aku order memuakkan... hahahah


yattt said...

ko mmg..makan x ingat dunia..semua bedal kecuali taugeh dan juga kobis air..heheh..jom TEppanyaki!