Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Terima kasih kepada kalian yang wish aku..Terima kasih sebab bagi aku ruang singgah kat fikiran kamu semua!ingatan kalian bermakna buat aku..biarlah dengan ucapan SELAMat HAri LAhir, HAppy Birthday dan yang sewaktunya. Semoga Allah merahmati kalian! Aku masih muda..huhuh..Terasa macam baru nak amik spm..tengok la nanti..aku pinjam baju budak aku..aku tangkap gambo!baru korang tau umo aku yang sebenar!


Sir Matno said...

blah ah!

p/s- iniye pirenthe naal valtukal!!

yattt said...

matno iri hati..dia kan cam muka bapak budak..even your father looks younger than u!

Sir Matno said...

oh, really!! what a compliment! it takes you ages to look old, dear.. i am thankful that i look my age, and i pity you for that because you will never look your age and in simple, you will never experience the meaning of looking old... a waste and disgrace to the human community!

yattt said...

i luv being least i can act like my children's sister soon!!!so matno will be grandpa when sitting with his kids..old!